How to Reduce Customer Complaints (6 Ways)

Ben Goodey
Customer Service Researcher
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What Causes Customer Complaints?

Customer complaints are driven by a failure to meet expectations. Whether that's your product, your team, your website, or your service, is unique to you.

Common causes of customer complaints
Why customer complaints happen

However, there are several common causes of customer complaints:

  1. Poor product or service quality. If a product fails to meet expectations or a service falls short, customers will naturally feel dissatisfied and complain. Things like defective products, slow service, mistakes or errors can trigger complaints.
  2. Unfriendly or unhelpful staff. Rude, dismissive or incompetent employees are a surefire way to frustrate customers and generate complaints. Poor training on customer service skills like listening, empathy and conflict resolution can contribute to this.
  3. Lack of communication and responsiveness. Customers hate being ignored or left in the dark. Failure to provide clear information, respond promptly to inquiries, or keep customers informed on delays/issues can lead to complaints.
  4. Complicated policies and procedures. Having complex, inflexible policies around things like returns, exchanges, billing etc. that make customers jump through hoops can be a major pain point.
  5. Failure to resolve issues effectively. If an initial complaint or problem is not adequately addressed and resolved, the frustrated customer is likely to escalate with further complaints.
  6. Misaligned expectations. If marketing promises or employee statements set unrealistic expectations about products/services that don't get met, disappointment and complaints arise.
  7. External issues beyond a company's control. Supply chain problems, severe weather events or other disruptions making it difficult to meet customer needs can generate understandable but unavoidable gripes.

The root causes can vary, but ultimately any gap between what customers expect and what they actually experience in terms of product/service quality and customer care creates fertile ground for complaints to arise.

6 Simple Strategies to Reduce Customer Complaints

To reduce customer complaints, you need to solve the problem that caused them at the root cause.

First, you need to handle the complaint in front of you. But then, you need to step back and quantify the common issues facing customers—then, you can build an evidence-based case to make CX changes in your company.

Here are 6 ways to reduce complaints and their impact from the moment they come.

1. Listen actively and empathize

When customers complain, the worst thing you can do is get defensive or dismissive.

Instead, practice active listening by making eye contact, nodding, and paraphrasing to show you understand their frustration. Put yourself in their shoes and imagine how you'd feel in their situation.

Empathy and validation go a long way in defusing an upset customer and making them feel heard and valued. Even if you can't resolve the issue immediately, empathizing can help retain their loyalty.

This is the best way to demonstrate caring and empathy for customers who give feedback.—Rob Markey, Bain & Co

Actively listening also helps you gather important details to effectively address the root cause of their complaint.

And, as Customer Service Guru Shep Hyken says:

"How difficult is it to understand that the customers who are calling your company’s customer service are in need of help? All they expect in return is empathy and a quick solution. Even if it is not your fault, empathizing with your customers is not going to harm you. And that’s the difference between ‘barely listening’ and ‘listening to connect.’"

2. Respond promptly and keep them informed

Customers expect a timely response when they take the time to lodge a complaint.

A quick acknowledgment, even if it's just letting them know you received their complaint and are looking into it, can prevent frustration from escalating.

Once you've acknowledged receipt, keep the customer updated throughout the resolution process with regular progress reports.

Being left in the dark is a surefire way to aggravate an already upset customer.

Even if you don't have a final resolution yet, a simple update like "We're still working on resolving your issue, but here's the latest..." goes a long way in showing you haven't forgotten about them.

3. Offer a sincere apology and take responsibility

A genuine "I'm sorry" can work wonders in diffusing a tense situation with an upset customer.

In fact, in a recent study, 45% of customers withdrew a complaint if an apology was offered.

"According to research by Nottingham School of Economics, firms who say “we’re sorry” to disgruntled customers fare better on customer satisfaction than those that offer financial compensation."

An apology demonstrates that you understand their frustration and aren't trying to shift blame or make excuses. It's an acknowledgment that something went wrong, and a crucial first step towards making it right.

However, be careful not to make an insincere or backhanded apology - customers can sense insincerity from a mile away.

A simple "I'm sorry this happened, that's unacceptable" is much better received than something like "I'm sorry if you felt inconvenienced."

As Mark Manson says, it's important to take responsibility even if it wasn't your mistake.

"We are responsible for experiences that aren’t our fault all the time. This is part of life."—The Responsibility/Fault Fallacy

4. Resolve the issue effectively and promptly

Once you've listened, apologized, and taken responsibility, it's time to actually fix the problem that caused the complaint.

Customers don't want empty promises and lip service, they want effective action to resolve their issue promptly.

A study by Bain & Company found that customers who had their issues resolved quickly and completely were more likely to remain loyal and recommend the company to others.

Don't make them jump through endless hoops or wait indefinitely—that will only breed more frustration. Aim to resolve common issues on the first contact whenever possible.

Empower your frontline staff to take ownership and make decisions to swiftly resolve complaints, without having to get bogged down by layers of management approval. For complex issues that can't be resolved immediately, provide the customer with a clear action plan and timeline.

5. Follow up and ensure satisfaction

Your job isn't done once the customer's issue is ostensibly resolved.

Following up afterwards to ensure they are truly satisfied with the resolution and their overall experience is a crucial final step.

This shows you aren't just going through the motions of resolving the complaint by rote procedure.

A quick follow-up call, email, or even a hand-written note can mean a lot to a customer and reinforce that you genuinely care about their satisfaction.

Some customers may have lingering questions or concerns after the initial resolution that the follow-up allows you to address. This extra touch separates good service from great service.

6. Learn from complaints and improve processes

While complaints are never fun to receive, smart businesses treat them as opportunities for improvement rather than annoyances to be brushed aside.

Analyze your complaint data for trends and recurring issues that may indicate systemic problems with your products, services, or processes.

Perhaps the same pain point keeps arising, or there's a breakdown in a particular area of the customer experience journey.

Use these insights to identify the root causes and implement positive changes to fix the underlying issues and prevent similar complaints from reoccurring.

A support ticket analysis tool like Sentisum will help you quantify the issues so you can focus on the most impactful issues firsty.

Here are some ways companies can work to reduce customer complaints:

  1. Focus on quality control Implement robust quality assurance processes to catch defects or issues before products/services reach customers. Invest in employee training, technology, and rigorous testing to maintain high standards.
  2. Simplify policies and procedures Regularly review and streamline customer-facing policies like returns, pricing, etc. to remove any unnecessary friction points or complexities that frustrate customers.
  3. Gather customer feedback proactively
    Don't wait for complaints to roll in. Proactively solicit customer feedback through surveys, review monitoring, etc. to identify pain points before they become complaint-worthy issues.
  4. Increase transparency and communication Keep customers informed through detailed self-help resources, order tracking, delay notifications, and other communication channels to prevent them from being left in the dark.
  5. Train employees in customer service Invest in comprehensive training for customer-facing staff on active listening, conflict resolution, empathy and other crucial customer service skills.
  6. Monitor quality metrics Track key metrics like defect rates, on-time delivery performance, first-call resolution rates, etc. Analyze this data to identify areas for improvement before issues become widespread.
  7. Leverage customer relationship management (CRM) systems Utilize CRM software to centralize customer data, case histories, preferences and more to provide more seamless, personalized service.
  8. Provide multiple support channels Offer customers a variety of contact options (phone, email, chat, social media) to make it easy to reach out with issues or feedback.

The key is being proactive about quality, listening to customers, simplifying experiences, and empowering employees - rather than just being reactive to complaints after the fact.

How to Reduce Complaints Before They Happen

The key is being proactive about quality, listening to customers, simplifying experiences, and empowering employees - rather than just being reactive to complaints after the fact.

Resolving complaints in the moment is important to customer happiness, but it’s a short-term strategy.

It’s essentially a game of whack-a-mole and we encourage you to get preventative rather than prescriptive in your approach to complaints.

To get preventative on customer complaints, try these 7:

  1. Focus on quality control Implement robust quality assurance processes to catch defects or issues before products/services reach customers. Invest in employee training, technology, and rigorous testing to maintain high standards.
  2. Simplify policies and procedures Regularly review and streamline customer-facing policies like returns, pricing, etc. to remove any unnecessary friction points or complexities that frustrate customers.
  3. Gather customer feedback proactively Don't wait for complaints to roll in. Proactively solicit customer feedback through surveys, review monitoring, etc. to identify pain points before they become complaint-worthy issues.
  4. Increase transparency and communication Keep customers informed through detailed self-help resources, order tracking, delay notifications, and other communication channels to prevent them from being left in the dark.
  5. Train employees in customer service Invest in comprehensive training for customer-facing staff on active listening, conflict resolution, empathy and other crucial customer service skills.
  6. Monitor quality metrics Track key metrics like defect rates, on-time delivery performance, first-call resolution rates, etc. Analyze this data to identify areas for improvement before issues become widespread.
  7. Provide multiple support channels Offer customers a variety of contact options (phone, email, chat, social media) to make it easy to reach out with issues or feedback.

To really reduce customer complaints, you need to get a solid analyze-fix process in place that looks something like this:

  1. Uncover complaint topics
  2. Understanding the root cause of them
  3. Creating cross-functional change (others need to do the work)

Doing this manually is an extensive project, and we cover the essentials in our guide "How to Do a Root Cause Analysis".

Manual analysis of support tickets

For those of you with high volumes of complaints, requests and survey feedback, it's just not possible to get useful insights without using a support ticket analytics software.

How to Identify Common Causes of Customer Complaints—Getting Detailed Insights With SentiSum

SentiSum is a complaints analysis tool that uses the latest analytics technologies to helps you truly understand complaints and improve your customer experience.

Call center text analytics dashboard - SentiSum

With Sentisum's analytics, you'll know:

  • What topics and subtopics are driving negative customer sentiment.
  • The complaint patterns and trends over time—know if an improvement project had a positive impact or not.
SentiSum's text analytics dashboard

Let’s do a step-by-step for uncovering large complaint drivers in Sentisum.

  1. Login to the platform.
  2. Choose your date range. For what time period do you want to analyze complaints across?
  3. Choose your channel. Is it email, phone calls, survey results?
  4. Review the top drivers. Click one if you want to deep dive into that topic and learn what's driving it.
  5. Analyze change over time.
  6. Review real conversations to understand the full context.
  7. Ask generative AI questions, like "why are customer's unhappy about this topic?"

Here's a short video of it in action.

SentiSum CTA

How to Handle Customer Complaints

How you handle customer complaints usually predicts how bad that complaint ends up being for you and your customer.

A complaint that’s resolved quickly goes away. It’s better to nip a problem in the bud than to let it snowball into a more serious complaint—perhaps even one that becomes a PR nightmare.

First, let's take a look at the frontline of defense: your initial response via email. Then, let's take a look at how innovative companies are handling their customer complaints processes.

9 step process for how to respond to customer complaints by email (sample included) on the spot

Responding to complaints via email can be a minefield. You never know what mindset the customer is in or how they will interpret your words. And, unlike with real-time customer interactions you can’t correct your mistakes when you see the response.

Your customer service agents will need to respond quickly, but pleasantly. They’ll need to exude confidence, warmth and compassion, while using simple language that’s practical and helpful. Not an easy task.

Here are six rules your responses need to follow and how to implement them into your email templates. We’ve also included a sample response to give you a head start when creating your internal templates.

  1. Respond quickly—don’t let the problem fester

It’s a no brainer really. The more time you take to respond to a complaint, the longer it gives that person to (1) Get angrier because they think you will never respond, (2) Take it to a public forum like Twitter (everyone knows you get a response quickly after a Tweet), or (3) Complain again through another channel creating confusion between departments.

Second best to respond immediately is sending an autonomous response that sets the customers expectations (reminder about the previous section, expectations matter). Let them know it typically takes a certain amount of time to respond—we suggest doubling it just to make sure. So if it usually takes 12 hours, tell them it will be 24 hours. Just to be safe.

  1. Be sincere in your apology

Even if the complaint seems daft, now’s not the time to make jokes. Making light of the situation may diffuse it, but it also has the potential to backfire and your uptight customer will think you’re taking the piss out of them. Best to avoid.

  1. Apologise profusely that they had the experience they did

Dale Carnegie’s classic “How to win friends and influence people” makes this point excellently.

“Be honest. Look for areas where you can admit error and say so. Apologize for your mistakes. It will help disarm your opponents and reduce defensiveness.”

In the book, Carnegie teaches fundamental concepts to human communication. He spells out simple things that we already know deep down about what we do and don’t like about others and our relationships with them.

In the chapter about apologies, he says nothing disarms an angry person like a complete and profuse apology. Being absolutely over the top, admitting all fault and basically laying down for them to walk on you means that they’ll likely say ‘well, it’s not all your fault’ and come to your defense. Works like a charm. So, apologise profusely.

Disclaimer: Use common sense here. Do not admit liability for some things without consulting a lawyer.

  1. Acknowledge their feelings and your company’s part in the problem

Acknowledge, acknowledge, acknowledge. Most people just want to be heard and for someone to understand that this complaint meant something to them!

They know deep down it wasn’t done on purpose. So a sincere apology from an open ear often diffuses the tension.

You can make it obvious that you’ve heard them by repeating back their problem and the pain it caused the customer.

  1. Explain what caused the problem without passing blame

A complaining customer also wants an explanation. Often being clear on why something happened the way it did is enough for the customer to feel respected.

Try being honest with your customer (within reason, of course). But, often transparency will go along way because it shows you’re aware of the problem and are, perhaps, thinking of solving the cause of it.

  1. Tell them upfront what you are doing to resolve the issue

Get to the point as soon as possible. You are solving the problem and here’s how.

If you need more time to find a solution, don’t say ‘we are going to do our best to find a solution’. Sadly, your customer has been burnt too many times by other companies to trust language like that.

Let them know specifically what steps you’re taking to resolve their complaint. If you need more time tell them exactly why, the time frame, what you’re waiting on and that you appreciate how patient they’re being.

  1. Make up for it with something to say sorry

Sometimes a gift is a great option to help build customer relationships. However, I don’t think when a customer is complaining is a good time.

A token of ‘sorry’ is a pretty lame sorry. What a customer wants is the situation corrected: a refund or a new item, immediately.

We suggest that you reserve gifts for customer relationship building during important times. For example, if one of your agent overhears that a customer’s family member passed away, they’re about to get married or it’s your customer’s birthday.

Pret A Manger, the UK-based sandwich chain, lets every customer service staff member have a daily budget. With that budget they can give free coffee or sandwiches to customers that look like they need it...for example, if it looks like their day go use a pick-me-up. That’s when it’s GREAT to give a gift and it won’t be seen as a poor attempt of an apology.

When a customer complains, own the mistake and move forward. No gifts.

  1. Make space for further conversation

Dealing with a customer complaint should be a collaboration between you and the customer. How you approach the resolution determines how tense it will be, and, if you do a great job, perhaps there’s even an opportunity to make that customer loyal for life.

In any collaboration, you never want to be final. Always leave room for the other person to clarify, ask questions and reopen areas of conversation they don’t understand. It’s good practice to let the other person know you’re open to their questions and are happy for them to respond.

  1. End with a thank you, not a sorry

You’ve probably heard this before, but say “sorry” less and “thank you” more. It’s very effective to diffuse the tension by saying how much you appreciate the customer being patient and staying cool. It also helps you maintain dignity throughout the exchange.

Here’s a great infographic to help you decide when to use ‘sorry’ and when to use ‘thank you’.

Say thank you, not sorry.

Handling customer complaints—Sample Email

Here's a comlaint handling email template we'd recommend using.

Note how it does three things:

  1. It's not defensive. The customer had a frustrating experience and that's always true, whoever's fault it was.
  2. It's crystal clear. It says how we are solving the problem, how long it will take, and what they should do now ("sit tight").
  3. It shows we care. For example, we say that we will learn from this and make sure it doesn't happen again.

More Tips for Reducing Complaints in SentiSum

This section is for existing Sentisum customers.

Using the SentiSum platform, getting insights is easy. But, insights without action is a waste of time.

Here’s a few steps you can take to get clarity on your customer complaints and then to make resolutions happen at the root cause level.

  1. Play with the date range.

First things first, you want to make sure the issues you uncover are still relevant today. Sometimes customer complaints are of the moment (e.g. complaints about your employees not wearing face masks during a pandemic), so if you’re doing this analysis in two years time (god, I hope) then that issue is really not worth solving.

Look at the historical causes of complaints and compare them to more recent ones to get an idea of persistent customer problems.

  1. Play with input channels.

Each input channel can give different results which impact your analysis. For example, only a particular customer demographic might still use phone calls over live chat. Looking only at complaints made over the phone may make it look like a problem is more severe than it is, when actually it’s only severe for a tiny proportion or fringe group of your customers.

As always, as much context as possible about your complaints is important.

  1. Prioritise according to volume, impact and low hanging fruit

The biggest win for your company is to tackle complaint drivers in one of three ways:

  • Quick wins: the easy fixes that impact customers every day.
  • The most severe: some complaints make customers go mental. Write reviews and Tweet angry messages to you. Sometimes, even if they are few, solving those can be best for business.
  • Volume: Some issues aren’t that problematic for customers but hit a lot of customers on a regular basis. While these issues won’t cause a customer to ‘churn’ or lead to low 'retention', the collective unhappiness caused may be worth solving in priority.
  1. Dig as deep as possible and build evidence

When doing a root cause analysis you want to get to the nitty gritty of the complaint driver.

In the previous section we looked at going from high level (general topic) and zooming in (specific cause of that topic). You can go one step further by perusing the individual complaints themselves and building context.

We then suggest listing topic drivers and mapping out what the problem might be. For our bus company example, ‘rude driver’ complaints were most often being caused by issues relating to the ‘door’. If we take a look at a few individual complaints, it quickly becomes clear that the bus drivers are refusing to let passengers off at the right time or shutting the door too quickly and hurting people.

This is clearly a training issue. Send a note to the director of training and show them evidence: 5,000 complaints in the last year were because of how drivers use the bus doors.

That’s a significant problem and it could perhaps be remedied quickly by changing the driver training curriculum to focus on ‘use of doors’.

  1. Share insights widely

There is no point doing a root cause analysis if you don’t share what you find. As a customer service lead, you most likely don’t have control of the cause of complaints, so you’ll need to make sure the department leads know what you know.

We’ve been using daily digest metrics reports to remedy this problem. It makes sure that call centre reporting is simplified and the right people get it insight in their inbox every day.

  1. Make change happen

Driving change isn’t easy. But there are a few ways to make sure you get heard. First step is to quantify the problem: how many people are impacted by this and how badly. Second step is to shout loudly about customer-centricity and how solving these problems actually prevents churn and drives business growth.

Please let us know if you find any solutions to making people listen. We’re in this together.

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Customer Complaints FAQs

What are ‘customer complaints’? What does customer complaint mean?

When we say customer complaints or consumer complaints, we’re talking about customer complaints in the context of a contact centre.

When a customer expresses their dissatisfaction to someone at the company in a formal documentation process. Usually, your customer will call a customer service representative or visit your website or mobile app to find a live chat, and once their, they’ll let your customer service team know what the complaint is.

Complaints are typically made with resolution in mind. Customers call because they want something fixed, like their pizza arrived cold and they want a hot replacement or their money back.

But, other times, customers complain because they’re angry and want to be heard, like in the below example, a bus company received 800 customer complaints because buses weren’t stopping for customers.

That’s infuriating (and slightly funny) but not something that can be fixed immediately.

What are the most common customer service complaints? 9 examples

The types of customer complaints are unique to the industry, company and product. In eCommerce fashion, complaints could focus on wrong sizes, incorrect descriptions, or poor delivery, whereas in the consumer electronics industry complaints could focus on damaged products, missing parts and wrong items.

However, there are universal things that piss off every customer. And that’s usually the way customer service is delivered in the first place.

1. Waiting ages in a virtual queue with dreadful music playing

Thankfully, this is becoming less and less of a problem (in my experience at least). However, nothing is more painful than the combination of (1) A company’s only contact channel is my phone call, and (2) there’s a 45-minute wait to talk to an agent.

Solution: Please, we know ‘cost centre’ thinking is prevalent. But, seriously, employ a few more people to cover the peaks and valleys of call centre demand. Do the maths internally—what’s worse, employing extra staff that aren’t always at max capacity...or annoying your customers and increasing those who leave you for a competitor? Selling the value of excellent customer service internally is a vital skill to learn. We wrote an eBook about it here so you have no excuses.

2. Shouting down the phone at an automated robot that refuses to understand you

It was a woeful moment in history when companies put saving time before customer experience. I once got stuck in a virtual loop at a hospital because I didn’t know the exact title wording of the department I needed to go to—see point eight, ‘don’t fuck with people’s finances or health’.

Solution: If your chatbot or voice bot makes things harder, not easier for your customer, put it in the bin.

3. Finally talking to an agent and then they don’t have the authority to deal with your problem (being transferred at all is extremely annoying)

From a customers point of view, a customer service agent represents the company. It makes no sense to us to be transferred to another department to get one issue solved, and back again for a different issue. I understand, because I work in this industry, that it’s easy to train people in specific areas and sometimes there are whole teams in different countries for each issue. But, most customers do not know, do not care, they just feel hatred.

Solution: “Empower your agents, people!”

4. Having to re-explain your issue multiple times

This is a natural consequence of point three. And it just makes things worse. Okay, so I’ve accepted that one person can’t deal with every problem, now you’re asking me to accept that when you transfer me across you can’t quickly explain the problem? Or you don’t have a CRM tool where you write some quick notes down?

Solution: Identify why your team is not trading notes. Do they not trust each other to write it down correctly? Can they not be bothered? Whatever it is, fix it. At least, start off with ‘Hey Ben, it looks like X and Y is your problem. Is that correct?’ That’ll let me know you’ve tried.

5. The problem taking a few days to be resolved—rather than while you’re on the phone

Some problems, especially in business-to-business land, take longer to resolve. It’s not normally a problem but most customers are impatient and worried they won’t ever get a resolution.

Solution: Common issues should be fast to resolve. Any others should be met with lots of extra empathy. Acknowledge the frustration and fear, and let the customer know when they’ll hear from you and what to do if they don’t. Reassurance can go a long way.

6. Not having expectations met—if you say I’ll get a call tomorrow, please call me

Expectations are everything. They influence entire economies and cause stock markets to crash. In a negotiation, if I expect the price to be £100 and you try to sell it to me for £50, I’ll see that as cheap. If you try to sell it at £10,000 I’ll be horribly shocked. My initial expectation sets the tone for my ultimate reaction.

Solution: A customer service agent, manager, supervisor or director, you’ll need to be constantly managing expectations. Don’t say the wait will be 5 minutes when it will be 10, say it will be 15 and pleasantly surprise the customer by being quicker than expected.

7. Customer support agents who lack empathy, are unfriendly, or impolite

The problem here is obvious. Rude agents (apparently) account for around 30% of unhappy customers leaving reviews. When you’re trying to get something resolved and the person on the other end of the phone is being rude, that’s a recipe for reviews, survey results and customer churn.

Solution: Train your agents to empathise and apologise. Customers can be rude and a pain in the ass, for sure, but it won’t help things for agents to respond to like with like. This problem can also be a symptom of customer service burnout which you can get tips to help resolve here.

8. Slow reactions to things that matter: namely, finances and health

As mentioned briefly in point 2, some things need immediate attention. Namely, topics like health and finances.
Your customers need quick responses to problems that impact their lives significantly. If you’re a banking company and a bug is preventing people from withdrawing cash, if that isn’t resolved immediately, expect some severe backlash.

Figure out which topics are the highest priority for your customers. For example, you could identify which cause customers to ‘churn’ or leave negative reviews. When support tickets of that nature come into the system, route them to the front of the queue using AI for customer service automation and get them resolved quickly. Learn how to buy AI for customer experience here.

9. Inaccessible customer support
Some companies continue to hide access to customer support deep within their website or behind a large form to fill. Other companies have it in a totally different place to where the customer expects—for example, on the website when the company is solely a mobile app.

Solution: Put access clearly at the very top of the most obvious page. Let the customer know that their query could be resolved in the help centre you spent months developing, but don’t then hide access to a live agent until they’ve realised your help centre is a load of rubbish. Some people don’t want to read, they want help. Be there for them, too.

What is 'poor' customer service?

Poor customer service could be the result of many things. It boils down to failing to meet a customer’s expectations.

Some of those expectations include: being heard and empathised with, having their complaints resolved quickly, not waiting for hours in queues, and being treated with respect.

Your call centre is a source of relationship building. Every interaction is a chance to create positive goodwill with customers so they’ll keep coming back, spending more and telling others about your company. If they experience poor customer service, they’re likely to be taken aback. A brand they love, suddenly not meeting their expectations? That brand quickly becomes one they hate.

That’s just one reason that great customer service needs to be a priority for every company.

Why do some customers choose not to complain?

In a sense, we want customers to complain. When a customer complains that means we can do a proper complaints root cause analysis and make sure the issue doesn’t arise for future customers.

However, data has shown that 96% of unhappy customers don’t complain and 91% of those will simply leave and never come back.—Source: 1Financial Training Services

That means customers not complaining is actually a bigger problem than expected. So we need to get to the bottom of why they aren’t complaining, getting heard, feeling happy it’s resolved, and moving forward as a happy customer.
Why are customers choosing not to complain?

1. It requires too much effort
Let’s face it, most customer service is inaccessible or requires waiting in a lengthy queue. Catch motivated customers early by eliminating queue length and getting them on to a phone call ASAP.

2. They think there’s no point
Some customers have been burned before. They think there’s no point because nothing will change. If you’re more customer-centric than the norm and love to hear form your customers—let them know! The door is always open and your team is actually very responsive to customer complaints.

3. They’re too worried about complaining
Some people don’t like to be a bother. I go out to dinner with them all the time. They order one meal and another comes, and they don’t want to say anything.

The dilemma is that of course, the waiter wants to know. They’d rather you’re happy than eating the wrong food.

Overcome this problem by making complaints anonymous or allowing the customer to complain via discrete methods. For example, live chat removes some of the awkwardness of a phone call, so you’re likely to catch more complaints if you offer it as a service channel.

4. They’re so annoyed that nothing can help
It may be too late to help these people. If something got to them this badly, you may have to move on and take the loss.

How do you analyse customer complaints?

Customer complaints analysis can be complex. For many companies, complaints come in the thousands if not hundreds of thousands every year.

Breaking down one complaint is easy. Deploy a simple why, what, when, how, who analysis to see if this could have been prevented and the investment required to prevent it. We recently wrote about how you can do a manual support ticket analysis here. Including a free Excel template.

However, doing this kind of complaints root cause analysis is complex at high volumes.

We suggest implementing software to expedite your analysis. You should look for software that is simple-to-use, uncovers detailed reasons for complaints, integrates with your existing help desk, and lets you share the insight widely.

SentiSum is the best-in-class solution for complaints teams with high volumes they need to make sense of quickly.

How to handle negativity as a support professional

As a customer support professional, you’re likely to face a lot of negativity. People generally aren’t calling customer service to tell you how lovely their experience was. It’s the nature of the game.

Negativity is contagious. As are all emotions, even over short periods of time.

Which means you need to stay vigilant to the negativity of others. Here are a few tips we’ve gathered to help you.

1. Practice mindfulness (bleh, buzzword alert)
Mindfulness has taken on some pretty annoying connotations, but it boils down to a few techniques that have been used for thousands of years.

One mindful approach is to distance yourself from others emotions. Don’t take them personally. When someone is incredibly grouchy, it’s never your fault, it’s usually something much worse going on in their personal life. Choose to see it that way, protect your own emotional wellbeing by not allowing them to ‘dump’ their bad day on you. A great way to do this is to build empathy: imagine what horrible events must have led them to being so unhappy today and send them some positive energy.

Another mindful approach is practice non-attachment. Often, the negativity we feel comes down to attachment. What you are attached to creates the particular lens through which you see. For example, a lot of people are attached to being respected. It’s ego pleasing to feel important—I totally get that. But, having an extremely strong attachment to ‘being respected’ even by people who have never met you and just hear you as a voice on the phone or see you as a couple of lines of text on live chat, is likely to bring up a lot of negativity for you. If someone being rude and aggressive via live chat really bothers you, take a look at why. What are you holding on to that’s making you feel this way? Does it really matter to you if a customer is being a tool over live chat? Easier said than done, but try practicing letting go next time.

2. Protect yourself
You wouldn’t tell someone being bullied to ‘smile’ and ‘take a deep breath’. You’d tell them to remove themselves from the problem altogether.

If your mental health is really suffering, consider: moving jobs, having zero tolerance, setting clear boundaries, talking to your boss about moving to a friendlier area of the business. Remember, no job is worth damaging your mental health over, however much you like your boss.

How to tackle customer complaints

Ben Image
Ben Goodey
26/ 02/ 2023
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Customer complaints are no fun for anyone.

They drive down customer loyalty, take time to resolve and contribute to negative brand awareness.

In this guide, we take you through the vital components of understanding and tackling your customer complaints—whatever the scale.

Contributing to business growth is a vital part of the future of customer service. Having an in-depth understanding of complaints is essential to preventing them so your business can grow faster with more loyal customers.

We cover both the short-term: resolving customer complaints on the spot. Including a step-by-step on how to respond and a sample email. And the long-term: doing in-depth complaints analysis and making organisational change happen.

Taking both angles doubles the value of customer service. After reading this guide, the actionable insights you deliver will set your team as a strategic leader in customer service improvement.

Let's go.

On this page:

  1. Most common customer complaints
  2. How to handle customer complaints
  3. How to analyze customer complaints
  4. Customer complaints FAQs

What are the most common customer complaints?

Customer complaints are often unique to the company and industry. But, they are often driven by common factors.

SentiSum uses artificial intelligence to scan through customer complaints and identify the reasons for them. Lets login to our platform to take a look at what’s driving customer complaints for two of our customers.

What’s driving complaints in the eCommerce space (fashion, consumer goods, furniture, etc)?

This is a great place to start because there are many problems that traverse every category of eCommerce. In the below example, we take a look at complaints left on Trustpilot for an online furniture retailer.

Product quality, delivery punctuality, value for money and customer service are important reasons customer’s leave negative reviews.

Top complaint reasons for eCommerce

What’s driving complaints in the food delivery business?

When we dive into the food delivery industry, we see a different story.

In this industry, we see false orders, failed discount codes and damaged packaging driving customer complaints.

customer complaints common in food delivery

Anyone who’s ever received their grocery shopping in the post will know some of these complaints well.

Let’s categorise and find the most common causes of customer complaints

When we take one step back to get some perspective, there’s always similarities between complaints.

“Old ingredients”—the customer can’t use them at all and now can’t even cook their dinner.

“Didn’t order box”—the customer received something they didn’t order.

“Discount not working”—the customer wants to order but there’s an error on your website preventing them from getting a great deal.

“Damaged packaging”—the customer received the product but it was delivered in a way they didn’t like.

“Punctuality”—the customer received the product but it negatively affected their day.

“Customer support”— the customer wanted to resolve the issue but your service team was rude or unhelpful.

“Order process”—the customer failed to order a product because the process was too complex, or they didn’t receive any confirmation information after the order.

“Value for money”—the customer received the product but it was as good as they paid for.

It looks like that whenever a customer complains, it fundamentally boils down to a failure to meet expectations. Either it’s the product itself (that’s damaged, broken, doesn’t do as expected, isn’t to the expected quality), the people (deliver the product late, failed to do as expected with the product) or the service (your website is broken, a server was rude, or your customer service failed to resolve the issue).

Common causes of customer complaints

The positive sign here is that setting expectations correctly can eliminate many customer complaints. While aligning your product, marketing and operations with the needs of a customer (being customer-focused) tends to resolve your complaints problem. But, we’ll get to the ‘how to reduce customer complaints’ part later.

How to handle customer complaints

How you handle customer complaints usually predicts how bad that complaint ends up being for you and your customer.

A complaint that’s resolved quickly goes away. It’s better to nip a problem in the bud than to let it snowball into a more serious complaint—perhaps even one that becomes a PR nightmare.

First, let's take a look at the frontline of defense: your initial response via email. Then, let's take a look at how innovative companies are handling their customer complaints processes.

9 step process for how to respond to customer complaints by email (sample included) on the spot

Responding to complaints via email can be a minefield. You never know what mindset the customer is in or how they will interpret your words. And, unlike with real-time customer interactions you can’t correct your mistakes when you see the response.

Your customer service agents will need to respond quickly, but pleasantly. They’ll need to exude confidence, warmth and compassion, while using simple language that’s practical and helpful. Not an easy task.

Here are six rules your responses need to follow and how to implement them into your email templates. We’ve also included a sample response to give you a head start when creating your internal templates.

  1. Respond quickly—don’t let the problem fester

It’s a no brainer really. The more time you take to respond to a complaint, the longer it gives that person to (1) Get angrier because they think you will never respond, (2) Take it to a public forum like Twitter (everyone knows you get a response quickly after a Tweet), or (3) Complain again through another channel creating confusion between departments.

Second best to respond immediately is sending an autonomous response that sets the customers expectations (reminder about the previous section, expectations matter). Let them know it typically takes a certain amount of time to respond—we suggest doubling it just to make sure. So if it usually takes 12 hours, tell them it will be 24 hours. Just to be safe.

  1. Be sincere in your apology

Even if the complaint seems daft, now’s not the time to make jokes. Making light of the situation may diffuse it, but it also has the potential to backfire and your uptight customer will think you’re taking the piss out of them. Best to avoid.

  1. Apologise profusely that they had the experience they did

Dale Carnegie’s classic “How to win friends and influence people” makes this point excellently.

“Be honest. Look for areas where you can admit error and say so. Apologize for your mistakes. It will help disarm your opponents and reduce defensiveness.”

In the book, Carnegie teaches fundamental concepts to human communication. He spells out simple things that we already know deep down about what we do and don’t like about others and our relationships with them.

In the chapter about apologies, he says nothing disarms an angry person like a complete and profuse apology. Being absolutely over the top, admitting all fault and basically laying down for them to walk on you means that they’ll likely say ‘well, it’s not all your fault’ and come to your defense. Works like a charm. So, apologise profusely. 

Disclaimer: Use common sense here. Do not admit liability for some things without consulting a lawyer.

  1. Acknowledge their feelings and your company’s part in the problem

Acknowledge, acknowledge, acknowledge. Most people just want to be heard and for someone to understand that this complaint meant something to them!

They know deep down it wasn’t done on purpose. So a sincere apology from an open ear often diffuses the tension. 

You can make it obvious that you’ve heard them by repeating back their problem and the pain it caused the customer.

  1. Explain what caused the problem without passing blame

A complaining customer also wants an explanation. Often being clear on why something happened the way it did is enough for the customer to feel respected.

Try being honest with your customer (within reason, of course). But, often transparency will go along way because it shows you’re aware of the problem and are, perhaps, thinking of solving the cause of it.

  1. Tell them upfront what you are doing to resolve the issue

Get to the point as soon as possible. You are solving the problem and here’s how

If you need more time to find a solution, don’t say ‘we are going to do our best to find a solution’. Sadly, your customer has been burnt too many times by other companies to trust language like that.

Let them know specifically what steps you’re taking to resolve their complaint. If you need more time tell them exactly why, the time frame, what you’re waiting on and that you appreciate how patient they’re being.

  1. Make up for it with something to say sorry

Sometimes a gift is a great option to help build customer relationships. However, I don’t think when a customer is complaining is a good time.

A token of ‘sorry’ is a pretty lame sorry. What a customer wants is the situation corrected: a refund or a new item, immediately.

We suggest that you reserve gifts for customer relationship building during important times. For example, if one of your agent overhears that a customer’s family member passed away, they’re about to get married or it’s your customer’s birthday.

Pret A Manger, the UK-based sandwich chain, lets every customer service staff member have a daily budget. With that budget they can give free coffee or sandwiches to customers that look like they need it...for example, if it looks like their day go use a pick-me-up. That’s when it’s GREAT to give a gift and it won’t be seen as a poor attempt of an apology.

When a customer complains, own the mistake and move forward. No gifts.

  1. Make space for further conversation

Dealing with a customer complaint should be a collaboration between you and the customer. How you approach the resolution determines how tense it will be, and, if you do a great job, perhaps there’s even an opportunity to make that customer loyal for life.

In any collaboration, you never want to be final. Always leave room for the other person to clarify, ask questions and reopen areas of conversation they don’t understand. It’s good practice to let the other person know you’re open to their questions and are happy for them to respond.

  1. End with a thank you, not a sorry

You’ve probably heard this before, but say “sorry” less and “thank you” more. It’s very effective to diffuse the tension by saying how much you appreciate the customer being patient and staying cool. It also helps you maintain dignity throughout the exchange.

Here’s a great infographic to help you decide when to use ‘sorry’ and when to use ‘thank you’.

Say thank you, not sorry.

Handling customer complaints—Sample email

“Dear [First name],
I’m so sorry [problem] happened. I know how [emotion they are feeling] this is and there’s a lot of making up to do on our part.
I can’t turn back time, but what I can do is [what you’re doing to fix it]. You can expect a full resolution of the problem by [time].
You can rest assured that we are on this. I’ve raised a flag and we’ll be running a project to make sure the root cause of the problem (which we think at this time is [cause of the problem]) will change.
Thank you so much for your patience in waiting for a resolution. The team here is very grateful to you for raising the issue.
If you have any further questions, please reach out to me directly by responding to this email. 
[Agent first name]

How to do a customer complaints analysis

Resolving complaints in the moment is important to customer happiness, but it’s a short-term strategy.

It’s essentially a game of whack-a-mole and we encourage you to get preventative rather than prescriptive in your approach to complaints.

To get prescriptive you need to get a solid process in place that looks something like this:

  1. Uncover complaint topics
  2. Understanding the root cause of them
  3. Creating cross-functional change (others need to do the work)

If you plan to do your analysis manually, we suggest you read our article on manual customer support ticket analysis. It includes a handy template and a step-by-step guide to complaints analysis.

Manual analysis of support tickets

However, for those of you with high ticket volume and not a lot of time to deal with endless data tagging, maintenance, analysis and distribution, here’s how we get to the bottom of customer complaints using SentiSum’s customer service AI analytics.

How to identify common causes of customer complaints—Getting insights

After a quick integration with your complaint ticket system or review platform, the SentiSum team builds a natural language processing (NLP) algorithm that understands your customers and why they’re complaining. 

NLP is vital to the process because it’s like having 1,000 humans reading each complaint and writing down the reason for it in a consistent unbiased way. That means you can understand millions of complaints in seconds, and even in real-time as they are made.

Let’s do a step-by-step for uncovering large complaint drivers.

Step one: login to

Step two: Select your date range. Maybe you want to look at new complaints today, or maybe the last few months or years.

Screenshot Sentisum Dash

Step three: Choose your input channel. Where do you want to see complaints from? All channels or only complaints that were emailed?

Screenshot Sentisum Dash

Step four: Hit the deep dive button. At the top will be the complaints with the highest volume. 

Take a look at the list on the left. We can see that ‘Rude Driver’ for this company is the largest generator of customer complaints. Some training could be a quick win, but let’s dig deeper first.

Screenshot Sentisum Dash

Step five: Dig a little for the real customer insights. As you can see here (the non-blurred part), under ‘rude driver’ there are a number of areas in particular causing concern for customers.

Screenshot Sentisum Dash

The door, tickets, and wearing of protective masks, for example. Here are some solid insights into common issues facing customers using the services of this company.

The final step in the process is understanding the topics themselves. Does “Driver” → “Door” mean that customers typically get the doors closed on them, hurting them? Or, does it mean the driver refused to open the door for them, so they missed their bus stop?

We’ll tackle that next.

How to reduce customer complaints with root cause analysis—Solving the problem

Using the SentiSum platform, getting insights is easy. But, insights without action is a waste of time.

Here’s a few steps you can take to get clarity on your customer complaints and then to make resolutions happen at the root cause level.

  1. Play with the date range. 

First things first, you want to make sure the issues you uncover are still relevant today. Sometimes customer complaints are of the moment (e.g. complaints about your employees not wearing face masks during a pandemic), so if you’re doing this analysis in two years time (god, I hope) then that issue is really not worth solving.

Look at the historical causes of complaints and compare them to more recent ones to get an idea of persistent customer problems.

  1. Play with input channels.

Each input channel can give different results which impact your analysis. For example, only a particular customer demographic might still use phone calls over live chat. Looking only at complaints made over the phone may make it look like a problem is more severe than it is, when actually it’s only severe for a tiny proportion or fringe group of your customers.

As always, as much context as possible about your complaints is important.

  1. Prioritise according to volume, impact and low hanging fruit

The biggest win for your company is to tackle complaint drivers in one of three ways:

  • Quick wins: the easy fixes that impact customers every day.
  • The most severe: some complaints make customers go mental. Write reviews and Tweet angry messages to you. Sometimes, even if they are few, solving those can be best for business.
  • Volume: Some issues aren’t that problematic for customers but hit a lot of customers on a regular basis. While these issues won’t cause a customer to ‘churn’ or lead to low 'retention', the collective unhappiness caused may be worth solving in priority.
  1. Dig as deep as possible and build evidence

When doing a root cause analysis you want to get to the nitty gritty of the complaint driver.

In the previous section we looked at going from high level (general topic) and zooming in (specific cause of that topic). You can go one step further by perusing the individual complaints themselves and building context. 

We then suggest listing topic drivers and mapping out what the problem might be. For our bus company example, ‘rude driver’ complaints were most often being caused by issues relating to the ‘door’. If we take a look at a few individual complaints, it quickly becomes clear that the bus drivers are refusing to let passengers off at the right time or shutting the door too quickly and hurting people.

This is clearly a training issue. Send a note to the director of training and show them evidence: 5,000 complaints in the last year were because of how drivers use the bus doors.

That’s a significant problem and it could perhaps be remedied quickly by changing the driver training curriculum to focus on ‘use of doors’.

  1. Share insights widely

There is no point doing a root cause analysis if you don’t share what you find. As a customer service lead, you most likely don’t have control of the cause of complaints, so you’ll need to make sure the department leads know what you know.

We’ve been using daily digest metrics reports to remedy this problem. It makes sure that call centre reporting is simplified and the right people get it insight in their inbox every day.

  1. Make change happen

Driving change isn’t easy. But there are a few ways to make sure you get heard. First step is to quantify the problem: how many people are impacted by this and how badly. Second step is to shout loudly about customer-centricity and how solving these problems actually prevents churn and drives business growth.

Please let us know if you find any solutions to making people listen. We’re in this together.

Customer complaints FAQs

What is ‘customer complaints’? What does customer complaint mean?

When we say customer complaints or consumer complaints, we’re talking about customer complaints in the context of a contact centre.

When a customer expresses their dissatisfaction to someone at the company in a formal documentation process. Usually, your customer will call a customer service representative or visit your website or mobile app to find a live chat, and once their, they’ll let your customer service team know what the complaint is.

Complaints are typically made with resolution in mind. Customers call because they want something fixed, like their pizza arrived cold and they want a hot replacement or their money back.

But, other times, customers complain because they’re angry and want to be heard, like in the below example, a bus company received 800 customer complaints because buses weren’t stopping for customers.

Customer complaints found using AI with SentiSum

That’s infuriating (and slightly funny) but not something that can be fixed immediately.

What are the most common customer service complaints? 9 reasons people hate customer service and what to do about it.

The types of customer complaints are unique to the industry, company and product. In eCommerce fashion, complaints could focus on wrong sizes, incorrect descriptions, or poor delivery, whereas in the consumer electronics industry complaints could focus on damaged products, missing parts and wrong items.

However, there are universal things that piss off every customer. And that’s usually the way customer service is delivered in the first place.

  1. Waiting ages in a virtual queue with dreadful music playing

Thankfully, this is becoming less and less of a problem (in my experience at least). However, nothing is more painful than the combination of (1) A company’s only contact channel is my phone call, and (2) there’s a 45-minute wait to talk to an agent.

Solution: Please, we know ‘cost centre’ thinking is prevalent. But, seriously, employ a few more people to cover the peaks and valleys of call centre demand. Do the maths internally—what’s worse, employing extra staff that aren’t always at max capacity...or annoying your customers and increasing those who leave you for a competitor? Selling the value of excellent customer service internally is a vital skill to learn. We wrote an eBook about it here so you have no excuses.

  1. Shouting down the phone at an automated robot that refuses to understand you

It was a woeful moment in history when companies put saving time before customer experience. I once got stuck in a virtual loop at a hospital because I didn’t know the exact title wording of the department I needed to go to—see point eight, ‘don’t fuck with people’s finances or health’.

Solution: If your chatbot or voice bot makes things harder, not easier for your customer, put it in the bin.

  1. Finally talking to an agent and then they don’t have the authority to deal with your problem (being transferred at all is extremely annoying)

From a customers point of view, a customer service agent represents the company. It makes no sense to us to be transferred to another department to get one issue solved, and back again for a different issue. I understand, because I work in this industry, that it’s easy to train people in specific areas and sometimes there are whole teams in different countries for each issue. But, most customers do not know, do not care, they just feel hatred.

Solution: “Empower your agents, people!”

  1. Having to re-explain your issue multiple times

This is a natural consequence of point three. And it just makes things worse. Okay, so I’ve accepted that one person can’t deal with every problem, now you’re asking me to accept that when you transfer me across you can’t quickly explain the problem? Or you don’t have a CRM tool where you write some quick notes down? 

Solution: Identify why your team is not trading notes. Do they not trust each other to write it down correctly? Can they not be bothered? Whatever it is, fix it. At least, start off with ‘Hey Ben, it looks like X and Y is your problem. Is that correct?’ That’ll let me know you’ve tried.

  1. The problem taking a few days to be resolved—rather than while you’re on the phone

Some problems, especially in business-to-business land, take longer to resolve. It’s not normally a problem but most customers are impatient and worried they won’t ever get a resolution.

Solution: Common issues should be fast to resolve. Any others should be met with lots of extra empathy. Acknowledge the frustration and fear, and let the customer know when they’ll hear from you and what to do if they don’t. Reassurance can go a long way.

  1. Not having expectations met—if you say I’ll get a call tomorrow, please call me

Expectations are everything. They influence entire economies and cause stock markets to crash. In a negotiation, if I expect the price to be £100 and you try to sell it to me for £50, I’ll see that as cheap. If you try to sell it at £10,000 I’ll be horribly shocked. My initial expectation sets the tone for my ultimate reaction.

Solution: A customer service agent, manager, supervisor or director, you’ll need to be constantly managing expectations. Don’t say the wait will be 5 minutes when it will be 10, say it will be 15 and pleasantly surprise the customer by being quicker than expected.

  1. Customer support agents who lack empathy, are unfriendly, or impolite

The problem here is obvious. Rude agents (apparently) account for around 30% of unhappy customers leaving reviews. When you’re trying to get something resolved and the person on the other end of the phone is being rude, that’s a recipe for reviews, survey results and customer churn.

Solution: Train your agents to empathise and apologise. Customers can be rude and a pain in the ass, for sure, but it won’t help things for agents to respond to like with like. This problem can also be a symptom of customer service burnout which you can get tips to help resolve here.

  1. Slow reactions to things that matter: namely, finances and health

As mentioned briefly in point 2, some things need immediate attention. Namely, topics like health and finances. 

Your customers need quick responses to problems that impact their lives significantly. If you’re a banking company and a bug is preventing people from withdrawing cash, if that isn’t resolved immediately, expect some severe backlash.

Solution: Figure out which topics are the highest priority for your customers. For example, you could identify which cause customers to ‘churn’ or leave negative reviews. When support tickets of that nature come into the system, route them to the front of the queue using AI for customer service automation and get them resolved quickly. Learn how to buy AI for customer experience here.

  1. Inaccessible customer support

Some companies continue to hide access to customer support deep within their website or behind a large form to fill. Other companies have it in a totally different place to where the customer expects—for example, on the website when the company is solely a mobile app.

Solution: Put access clearly at the very top of the most obvious page. Let the customer know that their query could be resolved in the help centre you spent months developing, but don’t then hide access to a live agent until they’ve realised your help centre is a load of rubbish. Some people don’t want to read, they want help. Be there for them, too.

What is 'poor' customer service?

Poor customer service could be the result of many things. It boils down to failing to meet a customer’s expectations.

Some of those expectations include: being heard and empathised with, having their complaints resolved quickly, not waiting for hours in queues, and being treated with respect.

Your call centre is a source of relationship building. Every interaction is a chance to create positive goodwill with customers so they’ll keep coming back, spending more and telling others about your company. If they experience poor customer service, they’re likely to be taken aback. A brand they love, suddenly not meeting their expectations? That brand quickly becomes one they hate.

That’s just one reason that great customer service needs to be a priority for every company. 

Why do some customers choose not to complain?

In a sense, we want customers to complain. When a customer complains that means we can do a proper complaints root cause analysis and make sure the issue doesn’t arise for future customers.

However, data has shown that 96% of unhappy customers don’t complain and 91% of those will simply leave and never come back.—Source: 1Financial Training Services

That means customers not complaining is actually a bigger problem than expected. So we need to get to the bottom of why they aren’t complaining, getting heard, feeling happy it’s resolved, and moving forward as a happy customer.

Why are customers choosing not to complain?

  1. It requires too much effort

Let’s face it, most customer service is inaccessible or requires waiting in a lengthy queue. Catch motivated customers early by eliminating queue length and getting them on to a phone call ASAP.

  1. They think there’s no point

Some customers have been burned before. They think there’s no point because nothing will change. If you’re more customer-centric than the norm and love to hear form your customers—let them know! The door is always open and your team is actually very responsive to customer complaints.

  1. They’re too worried about complaining

Some people don’t like to be a bother. I go out to dinner with them all the time. They order one meal and another comes, and they don’t want to say anything.

The dilemma is that of course, the waiter wants to know. They’d rather you’re happy than eating the wrong food.

Overcome this problem by making complaints anonymous or allowing the customer to complain via discrete methods. For example, live chat removes some of the awkwardness of a phone call, so you’re likely to catch more complaints if you offer it as a service channel.

  1. They’re so annoyed that nothing can help

It may be too late to help these people. If something got to them this badly, you may have to move on and take the loss. 

How do you analyse customer complaints?

Customer complaints analysis can be complex. For many companies, complaints come in the thousands if not hundreds of thousands every year.

Breaking down one complaint is easy. Deploy a simple why, what, when, how, who analysis to see if this could have been prevented and the investment required to prevent it. 

We recently wrote about how you can do a manual support ticket analysis here. Including a free Excel template. 

However, doing this kind of complaints root cause analysis is complex at high volumes.

We suggest implementing software to expedite your analysis. You should look for software that is simple-to-use, uncovers detailed reasons for complaints, integrates with your existing help desk, and lets you share the insight widely.

SentiSum is the best-in-class solution for complaints teams with high volumes they need to make sense of quickly. 

How to handle negativity as a support professional

As a customer support professional, you’re likely to face a lot of negativity. People generally aren’t calling customer service to tell you how lovely their experience was. It’s the nature of the game.

Negativity is contagious. As are all emotions, even over short periods of time.

Handling negativity in customer service

Which means you need to stay vigilant to the negativity of others. Here are a few tips we’ve gathered to help you. 

  1. Practice mindfulness (bleh, buzzword alert)

Mindfulness has taken on some pretty annoying connotations, but it boils down to a few techniques that have been used for thousands of years.

One mindful approach is to distance yourself from others emotions. Don’t take them personally. When someone is incredibly grouchy, it’s never your fault, it’s usually something much worse going on in their personal life. Choose to see it that way, protect your own emotional wellbeing by not allowing them to ‘dump’ their bad day on you. A great way to do this is to build empathy: imagine what horrible events must have led them to being so unhappy today and send them some positive energy.

Another mindful approach is practice non-attachment. Often, the negativity we feel comes down to attachment. What you are attached to creates the particular lens through which you see. For example, a lot of people are attached to being respected. It’s ego pleasing to feel important—I totally get that. But, having an extremely strong attachment to ‘being respected’ even by people who have never met you and just hear you as a voice on the phone or see you as a couple of lines of text on live chat, is likely to bring up a lot of negativity for you. If someone being rude and aggressive via live chat really bothers you, take a look at why. What are you holding on to that’s making you feel this way? Does it really matter to you if a customer is being a tool over live chat? Easier said than done, but try practicing letting go next time.

  1. Protect yourself

You wouldn’t tell someone being bullied to ‘smile’ and ‘take a deep breath’. You’d tell them to remove themselves from the problem altogether.

If your mental health is really suffering, consider: moving jobs, having zero tolerance, setting clear boundaries, talking to your boss about moving to a friendlier area of the business. Remember, no job is worth damaging your mental health over, however much you like your boss.

What are the reasons for poor customer service?

Poor customer service is usually a symptom of a wider company issue. The issue that leads to poor customer service is typically being non-customer-centric culture. A customer-centric culture has strong leadership (think the CEO level) who believe in a customer-first approach. 

You can always tell when a company has a great customer culture because leadership sets the right example, they empower their staff with quality tools to do their job well, and they also empower them with the authority to use those tools—especially in aid of the customer themselves. 

When corporate culture becomes all ‘me, me, me’ customer service typically fails first: how can we talk to fewer customers, how can we hide our customer support phone number, how can we outsource our customer service to countries and people who know nothing of our business. They’re all decisions that, in the short term, make the company’s life easier and the customers' life hell, without regard to the long term impact of the decision.

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