
Text & Sentiment Analysis for Zendesk.

SentiSum's text & sentiment analytics engine tells you the root cause of customer frustration across all your Zendesk touchpoints—from ticket tagging to survey analysis.

Startups love us, enterprises trust us.

How It Works

Accurate. Granular. Fast.

Sentisum uses the latest advances in natural language processing to analyze your calls, chats, emails, and survey results.

It doesn't tag tickets like a human. We're slow and make mistakes.

Our AI is the opposite, even at huge scales it understands the nuances of complex speech and text.

You'll have detailed tags and trend analytics on the drivers of sentiment—whatever the support channel.

About our Tech

Know exactly what's driving customer sentiment

Multichannel Sentiment Analysis

SentiSum is the first tool to cover all bases. From surveys to voice calls—our analytics engine will tell you exactly what's driving positive and negative sentiment at every touchpoint.

Identify Trends & Improve CX

SentiSum's insight dashboard makes it simple to track the key topics (and subtopics) causing frustration for your customers. Quickly find out about brand new issues—and watch along as your fixes improve the sentiment data.

Ask Anything You Need to Know

SentiSum released some exciting new features this year. For example, you can now ask any question you need to your Zendesk data. It's like ChatGPT that knows your customers.

Automated sentiment analysis that truly gets your customers

SentiSum's powerful AI analyzes and tags every customer conversation across emails, chats, phone calls, surveys, and reviews in 100+ languages, providing you with valuable insights such as sentiment, reason for contact, and more.

Instant answers, infinite insights

Say goodbye to manually digging through data or waiting on reports. Get quick, meaningful answers about your customer experience with SentiSum. It's as easy as asking a question.

Efficient support with real-time analysis

Utilize SentiSum's real-time analysis to smartly prioritize, route, and escalate customer queries based on sentiment, urgency, and contact reason.

What's the impact?

Improve CX

Understand and improve sentiment

Save Time

Reduce weekly reporting time by 20x

Have Impact

Finally, quantitative evidence to support you.

Sentiment Analysis for Zendesk FAQs

What is sentiment analysis for Zendesk?

Sentiment analysis, a branch of natural language processing (NLP), assesses the emotional tone behind text data to determine the speaker's attitude. When applied to Zendesk, this technology analyzes customer support conversations and surveys, identifying sentiments expressed in interactions. This helps businesses understand customer satisfaction, pinpoint areas for improvement, and tailor their support strategies. Integrating sentiment analysis with Zendesk enables companies to automatically categorize tickets by sentiment, prioritize responses, and gain insights into overall customer sentiment trends, leading to more effective and empathetic customer service.

Why is customer sentiment analysis important in Zendesk?

Customer sentiment analysis is crucial because it enables businesses to understand their customers' emotions and opinions regarding their products, services, or brand. By analyzing feedback from various channels, companies can identify areas for improvement, enhance customer experience, and make informed decisions. It also helps in detecting unhappy customers early, allowing for timely intervention to address issues, thus fostering loyalty and positive brand perception.

Who benefits from using sentiment analysis for Zendesk?

Zendesk sentiment analysis benefits a wide range of businesses and roles, including customer support teams seeking to enhance service quality, marketing departments aiming to understand customer sentiment, product managers looking for feedback on offerings, and executives monitoring overall customer satisfaction. This tool is particularly valuable for any organization that prioritizes customer experience and seeks to leverage customer feedback for strategic decision-making, allowing for improved efficiency and targeted responses based on sentiment trends.

Our clients include leading software companies like Hotjar and Hopin. Household names like James Villas and British Airways are also amongst our thriving customer base. Read their case studies here and get some tips on your support processes.

How can you get started with SentiSum's Zendesk sentiment analysis integration?

To start with SentiSum's Zendesk sentiment analysis integration, you'll need need to reach out directly to SentiSum for a trial or demo here. Our sales team will show you the product and how it works in the first call, then we'll walk you through pricing and get you setup with a free trial that's custom to your business needs. It's a straightforward way to explore the features and benefits of the integration, tailored to the unique requirements of each business.

How do I turn on intelligent triage in Zendesk?

Sentiment analysis helps with intelligent triage in Zendesk by automatically analyzing the topics and emotional tone of incoming support tickets. This enables the system to prioritize tickets based on issue, urgency, and sentiment, ensuring that more critical or negatively charged tickets are addressed promptly. By categorizing tickets not just by topic but also by sentiment, support teams can respond more effectively, improving overall customer satisfaction and support efficiency.

What insights can be gained from analyzing Zendesk tickets?

Analyzing Zendesk tickets with sentiment analysis can uncover insights such as prevalent customer issues, satisfaction drivers, trends in customer sentiment over time, and agent performance metrics. This process identifies areas for improvement, highlights successful strategies, and pinpoints the root causes of customer satisfaction or dissatisfaction, enabling targeted actions to enhance customer experience and support efficiency.

Is your AI accurate, or am I getting sold snake oil?

The accuracy of every NLP software depends on the context. Some industries and organisations have very complex issues, some are easier to understand.

Our technology surfaces more granular insights and is very accurate compared to (1) customer service agents, (2) built-in keyword tagging tools, (3) other providers who use more generic AI models or ask you to build a taxonomy yourself.

We build you a customised taxonomy and maintain it continuously with the help of our dedicated data scientists. That means the accuracy of your tags are not dependent on the work you put in.

Either way, we recommend you start a free trial. Included in the trial is historical analysis of your data—more than enough for you to prove it works.

Try SentiSum today

Democratise voice of the customer insights across your company

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